Change /Transformation

Successful implementation of FMEA processes
FMEA processes are essentially not documentation of what we already know. They are, rather, change processes started at an early stage that must be professionally designed, implemented and anchored.

The following eight factors are significant in creating an impact for the long term and setting the wheels in motion using the full torque available:

  • Why is that the case?
    Justify urgency and the requirement for action
  • Create support
    Clear leadership and a visible commitment
  • Have a long-term orientation
    Integrate measures into the overall strategy
  • Get everyone on board
    Transparent and convincing communication
  • Clear obstacles out of the way
    Empower employees to act, equip them with competence
  • Keep motivation high
    Strive for quick results and communicate the initial results
  • Stick with it
    Drive forward processes, control them and learn them
  • Anchor them into the daily routine
    Live by continuous quality improvement